Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
10/03/16 till 29/05/16

These days, the tradi­tional self-portrait is history. In the past, it was only artists who painted them­selves in front of the mirror. In the age of Face­book, self-presen­ta­tion has become a tool for everyone. We live in radi­cally egocen­tric times. Day after day, our faces migrate into a gigantic digital image archive. How are artists coping with this situ­a­tion? Günther Förg head­less descends a stair­case, Wolf­gang Till­mans shows only his knee, Pawel Althamer his clothes, Michael Sail­storfer forms his name in large letters, and Sarah Lucas almost kicks the viewer in the face while Florian Meisen­berg allows the viewer to partic­i­pate in his life via smart­phone live stream. Iron­ical, playful and decon­struc­tive – artists no longer present their faces as they used to. They have moved on from self-reve­la­tion and hide from view, they deviate and distance them­selves from their own ego. In a topical exhi­bi­tion with about 40 posi­tions, SCHIRN follows these icon­o­clasts in their quest for a contem­po­rary form of self-expres­sion – including works by Abraham Cruzvil­legas, Ryan Gander, Alicja Kwade, Jonathan Monk and Rose­marie Trockel. The ego is exper­i­men­tally evac­u­ated. Now, only fleeting encoun­ters occur.

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