Mirjam Westen (Hrsg.)
Rebelle. Art & Feminism
Exh. cat. Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (Arnheim: De Rijn, 2009), pp. 166 -167.

REBELLE showcases forty years of feminist art history. While the topic of art and feminism has both its champions and its critics, all agree on one thing: feminism has permanently changed the artistic landscape. REBELLE. Art & Feminism provides an extensive survey of the work of eithy-eight female artists. 
The REBELLE exhibition, organized by the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (NL), juxtaposed works by different generations of artists. Displaying pioneers and contemporary female artists side-by-side, and intermingling works and artists.
The REBELLE catalogue offers a retrospective, and sometimes highly personal, look at the Dutch women's art movement, and pays particular attention, among other things, to the role of the Women in the Visual Arts Foundation, the ground-breaking "Feministische kunst internationaal" exhibitions that took place in 1978 and 1979, Dutch female art networks and the role of female artists in artists' initiatives.

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