28/03/20 till 04/10/20
Birgit Jürgenssen (1949–2003) belongs to the artistic avant-garde in Austria. With a discerning gaze, a poetic sense, an experimental curiosity and a subversive, sometimes biting humour, Jürgenssen’s multifaceted oeuvre focuses in repeated inquiries on the role of the woman in our society in its various manifestations: interpersonal relationships, corporeality, socially established concepts of beauty, relations between the sexes or the individual‘s identity. In addition to these social discourses and as a consequence of her investigation of her own corporeality, Jürgenssen repeatedly examines the relationships between human, animal and plant; her metamorphic arrangements give rise to poetical hybrid beings that seem to dissolve our conceptual distinctions.
Jürgenssen’s approach should not be read merely as an artistic protest against the structural suppression of women. Repeatedly coming to the fore are issues involving the individual’s identity, the (gender-transcending) possibility of breaking out of assigned social roles so as to act with independent responsibility, and the transience of all existence. mehr
Under the title Ich bin. (I Am.), the Weserburg Museum for Modern Art is presenting the first comprehensive exhibition of works by Birgit Jürgenssen in central and northern Germany. I Am. provides an overview of her extensive oeuvre in all its facets and thus enables the rediscovery of one of the most exciting artists of her generation.
I Am. is taking place in cooperation with the Estate Birgit Jürgenssen in Vienna, Kunsthalle Tübingen, the GAMeC Museum in Bergamo and the Museum Louisiana in Copenhagen (based on an idea by Natascha Burger and Nicole Fritz). It is being curated by Natascha Burger, Estate Birgit Jürgenssen Vienna, and Janneke de Vries, Weserburg Museum for Modern Art.
A comprehensive catalogue has been published by Prestel Verlag.
All works unless otherwise noted: Estate Birgit Jürgenssen, Vienna
Exhibition reviews:
Radek Krolczyk
Birgit Jürgenssen in Bremens Weserburg. Gegen den misogynen Angstekel
Alexandra Knief
Humor statt Provokation
Pia Reiter
Birgit Jürgenssen: Ich bin.
Mareike Bannasch
Wie sieht das denn aus?!
Anette Schneider
Ein faszinierendes Werk über feministische Selbstbefreiung
Rainer Unruh
Bremen. Birgit Jürgenssen. Ich bin. Weserburg 08.05.–4.10.2020